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Georgia Department of Education
Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports Curriculum

GA Dept of Education PBIS

PBIS Activity Fee

What is PBIS? 
At C.J. Hicks, we use Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) as an approach to promote school safety and good behavior. PBIS provides a way for us to teach students about behavior expectations and strategies. The focus of PBIS is prevention, not punishment. Students are recognized for meeting behavior expectations in the classroom and throughout the school. 

The Mission of the PBIS Team
The mission of the CJ Hicks PBIS Team is to create pride in students and teachers through their words and actions.  We hold each member of the school community accountable for implementing respect, integrity, safety, and empathy. The CJ Hicks PBIS Team helps the school community learn and grow together to create future leaders. 

How can you help start your child's day on a positive note?

How are students recognized?
In addition to verbal praise, we use PBIS Rewards to recognize students for meeting behavior expectations. Teachers and staff can immediately acknowledge positive student behavior by awarding digital points to students. Students are able to redeem their points for items or activities in the teacher or school store. 

  PBIS Rewards 
As a a parent, how can I see my child's points?
1. Using your phone or mobile 
device, the parent downloads the PBIS Rewards Parent APP.
2. Once the APP has been downloaded, see the PBIS Parent Letter given to your child. Scan your specifically student assigned QR code. If you don't have the letter, please click here to request one or scan the QR code below. 
PBIS Parent Letter

Our C.J. Hicks school pledge is recited by our students each morning. This helps our students to adopt and memorize the basic principles of our RISE Expectations. 

Our RISE Pledge